Open BlogSpot on Google (It is a google own product), you must sign in through your google account.

·         Select a Topic/Niche.

·         Make URL of your Blog.

 ·         Display name/ Username (who write this article).

·         Create a new post


·         Name your blog in topic name.

·         Write your blog, add content related to your Niche.


 ·         You can add pictures, from your computer, by URL, it is better to add picture by screenshots. Because there is coding behind the picture so if you add it from URL or copy paste it, and when the delete the picture on that website from where you copy it so it will also be removed from your blog.

·         Same is to add video to your blog, you can add video from computer and as well from YouTube.

·         You can link your blog to another blog or a website. There are two types of linking.

o   Interlinking: If we link it from our own previous article or blog.

        o   Outbound linking: if we link it from someone else blog or website. 

  • Navigation Bar Intro.

·         Change your settings according to your blog.

o   Permalink: For now, keep it automatic.

o   Location: set the location, where you want the people to read your article.

o   Change theme related to your niche.

o   Change layout. How the front end should look like where you want to place which thing.

o   Create pages (About us, contact us, privacy policy and Terms and condition).

§  These pages shall be there when you are applying for Google Absence.

o   Change Favicon related to your niche.

o   Meta tags should be ON and write the description.

·         Major difference between Premium and Freemium. In freemium you have a custom domain whereas in Premium you can have your own domain address.

Task for this Class.

·         You have to create your Blog and add 6 dummy articles related to your niche. Simple select articles to your niche and open them copy them and paste it to notepad to avoid linking and then copy from notepad and paste it on your blog.

·         Search on Google that how custom domain is configure with BlogSpot.