When you visit a site and see that the people which visit this page is more then 10000 so this website is known as Big niche then you click yes on the following Excel sheet and no on small niche site.

Copy that URL and paste it on Google URL bar which you have entered in your Excel Sheet to go on the relevant page to see the visitors.

So for small Niche Website the procedure is same When you visit a site and see that the people which visit this page is less then 10000 so this website is known as small niche. So then you click yes on the following Excel sheet .

In Commercial we must see that the website we visit has Physical products (Shoes, Mobile, chart etc.) or digital products (Software’s, applications etc.). If there are physical products so we place a yes, here and the website is about digital products, so we place a no there. and this website earn through ads or not.

In SEO portion for now we only study about the seasonality either the products are seasonal (mango in Summer or PSL) or not seasonal.  If the products are Seasonal so we put No in Low seasonality. And if the products are non-Seasonal means Mobile, watches etc. which remain constant through out the year so we put yes in low seasonality column.

In this column you will tell what do you think about this niche, either you are interested, no interested or neutral.

In overall Rating a formula is placed which tells the score of your niche. If the Score is Greater or equal then 5 so we will work on this, If not So we eliminate this niche. You have to do this all the Niches which you have selected from Flippa.com. 

Google Trends

Search Google Trends in Google. When it is open select the country in upper right corner, Sir zakir has suggested 5 Countries USA, Canada, U.K, Australia and New Zealand. And then scroll down and click on the following.

So then a page will open.


Search in Google. After opening this select the jobs. You will see a bunch of files.

So open the file, select that niche which is about Content writing or Blog so select that 5 Niches and Paste it on the excel sheet. It is time consuming.